产品名称 1TGE120021R0010-4


1TGE120021R0010-4 是一款工业以太网交换机,专为工业自动化系统中稳健安全的数据传输而设计。它提供高速以太网连接,支持快速以太网和千兆以太网等各种以太网协议。该交换机适用于恶劣的工业环境,即使在极端条件下也能提供可靠的性能。


端口配置: 交换机上可用以太网端口的数量和类型,如快速以太网(100 Mbps)或千兆以太网(1000 Mbps)端口。
吞吐量: 交换机可同时处理的最大数据量,单位为比特/秒 (bps)。
延迟: 数据通过交换机传输的时间延迟,以微秒或毫秒为单位。
工作温度: 交换机能够可靠运行的温度范围。
MTBF(平均故障间隔时间): 交换机可靠性的指标,以小时为单位,表示两次故障之间的预期时间。


1TGE120021R0010-4 工业以太网交换机在性能、可靠性和安全性方面符合严格的工业标准。它提供高速以太网连接,支持各种协议,确保工业网络中数据传输的顺畅和高效。该交换机设计坚固,工作温度范围宽,平均无故障时间长,适合在要求苛刻的环境中使用。

Product Name: 1TGE120021R0010-4

Product Description:

The 1TGE120021R0010-4 is an industrial ethernet switch designed for robust and secure data transmission in industrial automation systems. It offers high-speed ethernet connectivity, supporting various ethernet protocols such as Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet. The switch is suitable for use in harsh industrial environments, providing reliable performance even under extreme conditions.

Product Parameters:

Port Configuration: The number and type of ethernet ports available on the switch, such as Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) or Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbps) ports.
Throughput: The maximum amount of data the switch can handle simultaneously, measured in bits per second (bps).
Latency: The time delay in data transmission through the switch, measured in microseconds or milliseconds.
Operating Temperature: The range of temperatures within which the switch can operate reliably.
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures): An indication of the switch's reliability, measured in hours, indicating the expected time between failures.

Product Specification:

The 1TGE120021R0010-4 industrial ethernet switch meets rigorous industrial standards for performance, reliability, and security. It offers high-speed ethernet connectivity with support for various protocols, ensuring smooth and efficient data transmission in industrial networks. The switch's robust design, wide operating temperature range, and high MTBF make it suitable for use in demanding industrial environments.
