产品名称: PCD230A 3BHE022291R - ABB的压力传感器


PCD230A 3BHE022291R是ABB公司生产的一款压力传感器。该传感器设计用于测量各种工业环境中的压力,并将这些压力值转化为可读的电信号,以供控制系统或监测设备使用。它适用于多种应用,包括流体控制、过程自动化和机器监测等。


测量范围: 传感器能够测量的压力范围。
精度: 传感器测量压力的准确度。
输出信号: 传感器输出的电信号类型和范围。
供电电压: 传感器正常工作所需的供电电压。
工作环境: 传感器能够正常工作的环境条件。


PCD230A 3BHE022291R压力传感器是一款高性能、高可靠性的测量设备。它具有准确的测量能力、快速的响应速度和稳定的输出信号。同时,它还具备优良的环境适应性,能够在恶劣的工作环境下稳定运行。这使得它成为工业自动化和过程控制领域的理想选择。


Product Name: PCD230A 3BHE022291R - ABB Pressure Sensor

Product Description:

The PCD230A 3BHE022291R is a pressure sensor manufactured by ABB. This sensor is designed to measure pressure in various industrial environments and convert these pressure values into readable electrical signals for use by control systems or monitoring equipment. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, including fluid control, process automation, and machine monitoring.

Product Parameters:

Measurement Range: The range of pressures that the sensor can measure.
Accuracy: The accuracy with which the sensor measures pressure.
Output Signal: The type and range of electrical signals output by the sensor.
Supply Voltage: The power supply voltage required for normal operation of the sensor.
Operating Environment: The environmental conditions under which the sensor can operate normally.

Product Specification:

The PCD230A 3BHE022291R pressure sensor is a high-performance, reliable measurement device. It offers accurate measurement capabilities, fast response times, and stable output signals. Additionally, it possesses excellent environmental adaptability, able to operate stably in harsh working conditions. This makes it an ideal choice for industrial automation and process control applications.