3BHE024747R0101 -2
3BHE024747R0101 ABB 产品详情
3BHE024747R0101 是 ABB 公司生产的 ACS880 系列变频器 的控制面板。它是一款带键盘和显示屏的彩色触摸屏控制面板,支持多种语言。该控制面板具有以下特点:
- 7 英寸彩色触摸屏
- 支持多种语言
- 直观的菜单导航
- 可编程功能键
- 实时监控和故障排除
- 参数设置和复制
- 软件更新
- 型号: 3BHE024747R0101
- 显示屏: 7 英寸彩色触摸屏
- 语言: 多种语言
- 尺寸: 230 x 144 x 50 mm
- 重量: 0.5 kg
- 工业控制
- 机器控制
- 泵控制
- 风机控制
- 输送控制
Product Details for 3BHE024747R0101 ABB
3BHE024747R0101 is a control panel for the ACS880 series of variable frequency drives (VFDs) manufactured by ABB. It is a color touchscreen control panel with keypad and display, supporting multiple languages. The control panel has the following features:
- 7-inch color touchscreen display
- Supports multiple languages
- Intuitive menu navigation
- Programmable function keys
- Real-time monitoring and troubleshooting
- Parameter setting and copying
- Software update
- Model: 3BHE024747R0101
- Display: 7-inch color touchscreen
- Languages: Multiple languages
- Dimensions: 230 x 144 x 50 mm
- Weight: 0.5 kg
- Industrial control
- Machine control
- Pump control
- Fan control
- Conveyor control
Additional Information:
- For more information on the 3BHE024747R0101 product, please refer to the ABB website: [移除了无效网址].
- You can also download the 3BHE024747R0101 product manual: [移除了无效网址].
- The information provided in this response is for general reference only and may not be accurate or complete. Please refer to the official product documentation for the most up-to-date information.
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