GD9924BE V2 HIEE401
GD9924BE V2 HIEE401 ABB 产品详情 规格 (中文)
产品名称: GD9924BE V2 HIEE401 ABB 电机保护器
产品类型: 电子式电机保护器
应用领域: 工业控制、建筑电气、家用电器等
GD9924BE V2 HIEE401 ABB 电机保护器是一款高性能、高可靠性的电子式电机保护器。它采用先进的微电子技术和数字信号处理技术,可对电机进行全面的保护,防止电机发生过载、短路、缺相、过热等故障。
- 高性能:采用先进的微电子技术和数字信号处理技术,保护精度高,动作速度快。
- 高可靠性:设计合理,结构紧凑,抗振动能力强,运行稳定可靠。
- 保护功能全面:具有过载、短路、缺相、过热等多种保护功能,可有效防止电机发生故障。
- 易于安装:体积小,重量轻,安装方便。
- 额定电压:230V
- 额定电流:25A
- 功率范围:0.75kW to 2.2kW
- 保护类型:过载、短路、缺相、过热
- 显示方式:LED指示灯
- 输出方式:继电器输出
- 安装方式:35mm导轨安装
- 外壳材质:塑料
- 工作温度:-25°C to +55°C
- 存储温度:-40°C to +70°C
- 尺寸:85mm x 45mm x 27mm
- 重量:0.2kg
GD9924BE V2 HIEE401 ABB Product Details and Specifications (English)
Product Name: GD9924BE V2 HIEE401 ABB Motor Protector
Product Type: Electronic Motor Protector
Application: Industrial control, building electrical, household appliances and other
Product Overview:
The GD9924BE V2 HIEE401 ABB Motor Protector is a high-performance, high-reliability electronic motor protector. It adopts advanced microelectronics technology and digital signal processing technology to provide comprehensive protection for the motor, preventing the motor from overload, short circuit, phase loss, overheating and other faults.
Product Features:
- High performance: Adopts advanced microelectronics technology and digital signal processing technology, with high protection accuracy and fast action speed.
- High reliability: Reasonable design, compact structure, strong vibration resistance, stable and reliable operation.
- Comprehensive protection functions: It has multiple protection functions such as overload, short circuit, phase loss and overheating, which can effectively prevent motor failures.
- Easy to install: Small size, light weight, easy to install.
Product Specifications:
- Rated voltage: 230V
- Rated current: 25A
- Power range: 0.75kW to 2.2kW
- Protection type: overload, short circuit, phase loss, overheat
- Display mode: LED indicator
- Output mode: relay output
- Installation method: 35mm rail installation
- Housing material: plastic
- Operating temperature: -25°C to +55°C
- Storage temperature: -40°C to +70°C
- Dimensions: 85mm x 45mm x 27mm
- Weight: 0.2kg
Additional Resources:
- ABB website:
- ABB product manual: [移除了无效网址]
Please note:
- The above information is for reference only, and the actual specifications may vary.
- Please refer to the official website or product manual of ABB for the latest information.
If you need other information or translation, please feel free to ask me.