黑马 K9203 产品描述(Product Description):

黑马 K9203 是一款高性能的电动自行车,专为日常通勤和城市骑行而设计。它结合了强劲的动力系统、舒适的骑行体验和先进的科技配置,为用户提供快速、便捷且环保的出行方式。K9203 采用轻量化材料打造,车身稳固且易于操控,同时配备了智能防盗系统和舒适的座椅,确保用户的安全与舒适。

黑马 K9203 产品参数(Product Parameters):


最高速度:可达 25 公里/小时




黑马 K9203 产品规格(Product Specification):




英文翻译(English Translation):

Product Description:

The Heima K9203 is a high-performance electric bicycle specifically designed for daily commuting and urban riding. It combines a powerful drive system, a comfortable riding experience, and advanced technological features, providing users with a fast, convenient, and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. The K9203 is made of lightweight materials, ensuring a stable and easy-to-maneuver body, while also equipped with a smart anti-theft system and a comfortable seat for user safety and comfort.

Product Parameters:

Battery Type: High-performance lithium battery with long battery life

Max Speed: Up to 25 km/h

Motor Power: 350W, providing strong power

Braking System: Front and rear dual-disc brakes for safe stopping

Frame Material: Lightweight aluminum alloy, sturdy and durable

Product Specification:

Dimensions: Foldable for convenient carrying, perfect for urban travel

Colors: Available in multiple colors to cater to individual preferences

Accessories: Comes with practical accessories such as a smart anti-theft lock and LED headlights

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