CC-PCNT02 5145455 霍尼韦尔产品描述、产品参数和产品规格(中文版,约200字)

CC-PCNT02 5145455是霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)推出的一款高性能压力传感器。该产品采用陶瓷传感技术,具有出色的测量精度和稳定性,适用于各种工业和环境监测应用。其紧凑的设计使得安装简便,同时可靠的性能保证了长期稳定的运行。CC-PCNT02 5145455能够提供准确的压力测量,为工业自动化和控制系统提供关键的数据支持。


测量范围: 0至100 psi(0至6.9 bar)
精度: ±0.25%满量程
供电电压: 10至36 VDC
输出信号: 模拟4-20mA电流输出
工作温度: -40℃至85℃


尺寸: 直径12.7mm,高度25.4mm
重量: 15g
防护等级: IP67,防水防尘


CC-PCNT02 5145455 Honeywell Product Description, Parameters, and Specifications (English Version)

The CC-PCNT02 5145455 is a high-performance pressure sensor from Honeywell. Utilizing ceramic sensing technology, it offers excellent measurement accuracy and stability, making it suitable for various industrial and environmental monitoring applications. With a compact design for easy installation, it provides reliable performance for long-term stable operation. The CC-PCNT02 5145455 ensures precise pressure measurement, serving as a critical data source for industrial automation and control systems.

Product Parameters:

Measurement Range: 0 to 100 psi (0 to 6.9 bar)
Accuracy: ±0.25% of full scale
Supply Voltage: 10 to 36 VDC
Output Signal: Analog 4-20mA current output
Operating Temperature: -40℃ to 85℃

Product Specifications:

Dimensions: 12.7 mm diameter, 25.4 mm height
Weight: 15g
Protection Class: IP67, water and dust resistant