科尔摩根60WKS-CE240 22PB 产品描述:

科尔摩根的60WKS-CE240 22PB是一款伺服驱动器,专为高精度运动控制应用而设计。该产品结合了卓越的性能、紧凑的尺寸和高效的能源利用,为用户提供了一种可靠且高效的解决方案。无论是机床、自动化设备还是其他需要精确位置控制的应用,60WKS-CE240 22PB都能提供出色的性能和稳定性。

科尔摩根60WKS-CE240 22PB 产品参数:

额定功率: 驱动器能够提供的最大功率。
控制精度: 驱动器对电机位置的控制精度。
动态响应: 驱动器对输入指令的响应速度和准确性。
通信接口: 驱动器与外部设备或系统进行通信的接口类型。
供电电压: 驱动器正常工作所需的电压范围。

科尔摩根60WKS-CE240 22PB 产品规格:

尺寸: 驱动器的物理尺寸,包括长、宽、高。
重量: 驱动器的重量。
散热方式: 驱动器采用的散热方式,如自然散热或强制风冷。
防护等级: 驱动器对尘埃、水分等外部因素的防护等级。


Kollmorgen 60WKS-CE240 22PB Product Description:

The Kollmorgen 60WKS-CE240 22PB is a servo drive specifically designed for high-precision motion control applications. This product combines excellent performance, compact size, and efficient energy utilization to provide users with a reliable and efficient solution. Whether it's for machine tools, automation equipment, or other applications that require precise position control, the 60WKS-CE240 22PB delivers outstanding performance and stability.

Kollmorgen 60WKS-CE240 22PB Product Parameters:

Rated Power: The maximum power that the drive can provide.
Control Accuracy: The precision with which the drive controls the motor position.
Dynamic Response: The speed and accuracy with which the drive responds to input commands.
Communication Interface: The type of interface used by the drive for communication with external devices or systems.
Supply Voltage: The voltage range required for the normal operation of the drive.

Kollmorgen 60WKS-CE240 22PB Product Specification:

Dimensions: The physical dimensions of the drive, including length, width, and height.
Weight: The weight of the drive.
Cooling Method: The cooling method adopted by the drive, such as natural cooling or forced air cooling.
Protection Rating: The level of protection offered by the drive against dust, moisture, and other external factors.