YOKOGAWA CP451-50 - Product Description, Product Parameters, and Product Specification (in English):
Product Description:
The Yokogawa CP451-50 is a paperless recorder, also known as a digital recorder or data logger. It is designed to monitor, record, and analyze process variables in industrial and laboratory settings. The CP451-50 offers a range of features that make it suitable for a wide variety of applications, including data logging, trend analysis, alarm indication, and more.
Product Parameters:
Model Number: CP451-50
Brand: Yokogawa
Channels: The number of measurement channels the recorder can handle simultaneously.
Input Types: The types of analog signals the recorder can accept, such as voltage, current, resistance, or thermocouples.
Recording Rate: The frequency with which data is sampled and recorded.
Display: The type and resolution of the display used to visualize data.
Memory Capacity: The amount of data the recorder can store internally.
Communication Interface: The type of interface used for data transfer and communication with other devices or systems.
Product Specification:
Accuracy: The degree of precision with which the recorder measures and records process variables.
User Interface: The ease with which users can interact with the recorder, including the display, buttons, and any software interface.
Data Analysis Features: The recorder's capabilities for processing and analyzing recorded data, such as trend graphs, statistical analysis, or event logging.
Reliability: The recorder's ability to operate consistently and without failure under various environmental and operational conditions.
Compliance with Standards: The product's compliance with relevant industry standards and safety regulations.
Please note that specific product parameters and specifications may vary depending on the version or revision of the Yokogawa CP451-50. It is recommended to refer to the manufacturer's official documentation or contact the supplier for accurate and detailed information.